Chinese Culture and Community Service Center

6.1.2020 Montgomery County Phase 1 Business Reopening Requirements

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Montgomery County’s business community is a key partner in ensuring the safety and well-being of its employees and County residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. All businesses, as a condition of reopening, are required to abide by the following rules which shall be posted in a visible location to alert the public of compliance with the safety rules.

- Employees and customers will be required to maintain physical distance (greater than 6’), wherever possible. We will utilize markings and signage to guide our employees and customers.

- Employees and our customers are required to wear face coverings while in our business.

- All employees will receive training based on CDC COVID-19 guidance appropriate to our business sector before reopening.

- Our business will use CDC- and EPA-approved disinfectants to clean our spaces daily. We will also use disinfectants to wipe down high-contact surfaces* at least every 2 hours while staff or customers are present.

- Our employees will wash their hands hourly.

- Our business will review and implement new CDC, Maryland Department of Health, and Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services guidelines as they are received.

Download the Requirements

* High-contact surfaces are those surfaces that will have human contact once an hour or more.